Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Only in Canada, eh? Pithy.

As you may have noticed, I have started using fan submitted ideas for the "pithy quips" at the end of the credits.

Thanks to Aluwings for the idea AND the first pithy quip!

Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments here or over at my Blip page ( and remember to leave your name so I can credit you.

Keep an eye on the credits! If you are as pithy as pith can be, you may be seeing your humorous comment on the end of an episode of Mann in Space sometime soon!

Mann in Space 1.06

BOARDED! The crew must prepare to defend itself.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Oops. Did I just let the cat out of the bag?

Well, yes, I am working on a longer-form project. It MIGHT be released this weekend.

However, Delyriam & I are off with the gang to see Stefie Shock in concert this weekend which may slow progress down.

On the Mann in Space front, I might continue the series and organize my time to have a regular Monday-Wednesday-Friday release schedule instead of the wacky randomness that is currently observed.

That is all for now True Believers!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mann in Space 1.05

Surrounded by the enemy! Can anyone fix the hyper-drive??!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mann in Space 1.04

Captain Mann and the crew of the Indestructible 2 finally reach the safety of hyper-space.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mann in Space 1.03

The enemy is almost within firing range. Will Captain Mann be able to get his crew to safety in time?! Will he lose his cool and snap Rusty in two?! And what is that in the hyper-space core?!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Hey there true believers!

The script for Mann in Space 1.02 is complete. It will probably be ready for the web on Thursday.

It might have been ready tomorrow, but I will probably be spending Wednesday evening helping my father-in-law with his new computer. (Dad - feel free to leave your iChat open tomorrow night and maybe we'll introduce Felix to the wonderful world of iChat!)

So, the cat is wandering around the apartment howling for his supper... and now the dog is starting to whine.

I must be off to serve the masters!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The hyper-space engine is finally online, but Rusty is refusing orders!


Captain Hugh Mann and the crew of the Indestructible 2 desperately try to power up the hyper-space engines before the enemy arrives!


Two lovely space-girls on an alien world. Whatever will they get up to?


Come on in. Take a seat. The main feature will begin in a moment!